" My Jio Store is India's largest spread multi brand Mobile Phone and electronics retailer. We have a presence of 1700+ stores across 800+ cities and towns. The brand offers 5,000+ products from 300+ international and national brands. We provide all sales of JIO mobility products like sim card, devices and fiber. Our customers avail best deals on the widest range of products like mobile phones, laptops, TVs, ACs, and much more. At each store, our staff thoroughly understands the customer's requirement before empowering them with a precise technology solution. It's this customer-first approach, coupled with competitive offers and pricing, that has made My Jio store India's go-to destination for personalized technology. The brand continues to live up to its promise of making the dream of digital India, a reality, and help each Indian scale the technology ladder. "
The address of this store is PG 31, Plot No 13, 14 & 15, Ground Floor, Block C/58/15A, Sector 62, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
Facing calling issue with my jio number. Sidharth solved it in Sec. Great guy. Wonderful experience
Friendly staff
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